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What is Firewall? In English


A firewall is a software or hardware system designed to prevent unauthorized access to an individual computer or network of computers. They are used mostly as a first line of defense to protect your device or network from online threats such as hackers, viruses, Trojans, and worms.Every time you are connected to the Internet, your computer is exposed to all sorts of dangerous programs and malicious people that want to infiltrate your computer to steal your personal information, send spam emails to your inboxes, or use your computer to launch attacks on other computers.A good firewall system blocks attackers from trying to infiltrate your system and prevents your data and information from flowing out to the bad guys. Like a brick wall, a firewall acts as a barrier to protect your computer from online threats Fire walls have a similar function as the drawbridge and the portcullis grate in front of the entrance on a medieval castle-controlling who can go in and out.While a castle has its fortified entrance through which both the defenders and attackers have topass, a computer either a standalone machine or computer network -has its firewall at the access point for connecting to the outside world.Fire walls essentially work by examining data packets entering and leaving your computer or network. 

The primary purpose of a firewall is to allow non-threatening traffic and prevent malicious or unwanted data traffic for protecting the computer from viruses and attacks. A firewall is a cyber security tool that filters network traffic and helps users block malicious software from accessing the Internet in infected computers.

Hardware vs. Software Firewalls

A firewall can be implemented using either software or a separate physical device (usually for large networks) or a combination of both Hardware fire walls are built into the routers. They are designed to protect all the devices connected to a network. If you are connecting to the internet through a broadband router, the router's firewall is already protecting your device.oftware fire walls are included in Microsoft operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 and it is turned on by default. Window's fire walls generally provide less protective features than those purchased from anti virus vendors. One notable feature missing from Windows has been two-way controls to restrict what travels out from your device as well as what comes in.Fire walls made by internet security companies can provide two-way protection and may also block malware and other malicious programs.

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