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What is human Brain?

 Human Brain 

Is reflex action the only function of the spinal cord? Obviously not since we know that we are thinking beings. Spinal cord is made up of nerves which supply Information to think about. Thinking involves more complex mechanisms and neural connections. These are concentrated in the brain, which is the main coordinating centre of the body. The brain and spinal cord constitute the central nervous system. They receive information from all parts of the body and integrate it.We also think about our actions, Writing, talking, moving a chair. clapping at the end of a programme are examples of voluntary actions which are based on deciding what to do next. So, the brain also has to send messages to muscles. This is the second way in which the nervous system communicates with the muscles. The communication between the central nervous system and the other parts of the body is facditated by the peripheral nervous system consisting of cranial nerves arising from the brain and spinal nerves arising from the spinal cord. The brain thus allows us to think and take actions based on that thinking. As you will expect, this is accomplished through a complex design with different parts of the brain responsible for integrating different inputs and outputs. The brain has three such major parts or regions, namely the fore-brain. mid brain and hind-brain.

The fore brain is the main thinking part of the brain. It has regions which receive sensory impulses from various receptors Separate areas. of the fore brain are specialised for hearing, smell sight and so on. There are separate areas of association where this sensory information is interpreted by putting it together with information from other receptors as well as with information that is already stored in the brain. Based on all this, a decision is made about how to respond and the information is passed on to the motor areas which control the movement of voluntary muscles, for example, our leg muscles. However, certain sensations are distinct from seeing or hearing, for example, how do we know that we have eaten enough? The sensation of feeling full is because of a centre associated with hunger, which is in a separate part of the fore-brain.A PC is an electronic gadget that controls data, or information. It can store, recover, and process information. You may definitely realize that you can utilize a PC to type reports, send email, mess around, and peruse the Internet. You can likewise utilize it to alter or make accounting sheets, introductions, and even recordings.Watch the video beneath to find out about various sorts of PCs.Searching for the old rendition of this video? You can in any case see it 


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