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Every place in the world gets rains sometime or the other. The time, duration and amount of rainfall varies from place to place. For example, in some parts of the world, it rains throughout the year whereas in other parts it rains only for a few days in a year. In our country, most of the rainfall occurs in the monsoon season (rainy season). Rains are always welcome. Rains give us many advantages. For example:

(1) Rains bring relief by cooling the environment after hot summer days. (ii) The sowing of many crops depends on the arrival of rains during monsoon. (iii) Rains provide water in the rivers and dams of hydroelectric power plants. (fo) Rains fill the lakes and ponds which act as sources of water.

Rains are also responsible for the groundwater which gets stored under the surface of earth. When it rains heavily for a long time, we get excess rainfall resulting in too much water all around. The excessive rainfall due to heavy rains leads to many problems. Some of the problems caused by heavy rains are given below:

(1) Heavy rains in city areas lead to waterlogged roads and streetsThis disrupts the traffic on roads and causes inconvenience to the people.

(2) Heavy rains (or excessive rains) may cause floods. This happens as follows: Heavy rains lead to foo much rise in the level of water in rivers. The river water starts overflowing from its banks and spreads over a large area of land causing floods. The flood water may submerge cities, villages, crop fields, and forests causing damage to property (houses, etc.), human life, domestic animals, standing crops, and wild animals of the forests.

(3) The animals living in water are carried away by the fast flowing flood waters. These water animals often get trapped on land areas and when the flood water recedes, they die.

(4) Heavy rains also kill the animals living in soil because such animals do not get air to breathe when all the soil gets covered with flood water.

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