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   WWW {WORD WIDE WEB} World Wide Web, which is also known as a Web, is a collection of web sites or web pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the internet. These websites contain text pages, digital images, audios, videos, etc. Users can access the content of these sites from any part of the world over the internet using their devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, etc. The WWW, along with internet, enables the retrieval and display of text and media to your device. The building blocks of the Web are web pages which are formatted in HTML and connected by links called "hypertext" or hyperlinks and accessed by HTTP These links are electronic connections that link related pieces of information so that users can access t thihe desired information quickly. Hypertext offers the advantage to select a word or phrase from text and thus to access other pages that provide additional information related to that word or phrase.A web page is

What is computer basic information?

 What might we at any point instruct you? PC Rudiments: What is a PC? What is a PC? A PC is an electronic gadget that controls data, or information. It can store, recover, and process information. You may definitely realize that you can utilize a PC to type reports, send email, mess around, and peruse the Internet. You can likewise utilize it to alter or make accounting sheets, introductions, and even recordings.Watch the video beneath to find out about various sorts of PCs.Searching for the old rendition of this video? You can in any case see it here. Equipment versus programming Before we discuss various sorts of PCs, we should discuss two things all PCs share for all intents and purpose: equipment and programming.Equipment is any essential for your PC that has an actual design, like the console or mouse. It additionally incorporates the PC's all's inside parts, which you can find in the picture underneath.seeing equipment .Programming is any arrangement of directions that

What is Firewall? In English

  A firewall is a software or hardware system designed to prevent unauthorized access to an individual computer or network of computers. They are used mostly as a first line of defense to protect your device or network from online threats such as hackers, viruses, Trojans, and worms. Every time you are connected to the Internet, your computer is exposed to all sorts of dangerous programs and malicious people that want to infiltrate your computer to steal your personal information, send spam emails to your inboxes, or use your computer to launch attacks on other computers. A good firewall system blocks attackers from trying to infiltrate your system and prevents your data and information from flowing out to the bad guys. Like a brick wall, a firewall acts as a barrier to protect your computer from online threats Fire walls have a similar function as the drawbridge and the portcullis grate in front of the entrance on a medieval castle-controlling who can go in and out. While a castle h

What is Hub, types, bridge, gateway?

Hub:- A hub is basically a multiport repeater A hub connects multiple wires coming from different branches, for example, the connector in star topology which connects different stations. Hubs cannot filter data, so data packets are sent to all connected devices, they do not have the intelligence to find out the best path for data packets which leads to inefficiencies and wastage. Types of Hub Active Hub: These are the hubs that have their own power supply and can clean, boost, and relay the signal along with the network It serves both as a repeater as well as a wiring center. These are used to extend the maximum distance between nodes.  Passive Hub: These are the hubs that collect wiring from nodes and power supply from the active hub. These hubs relay signals onto the network without cleaning and boosting them and can't be used to extend the distance between nodes. Intelligent Hub: It works like active hubs and includes remote management capabilities. They also provide flexible

Computer programming language

 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Generally, a language is considered as the medium of communication among people. Likewise, to communicate with computer systems, we use computer programming languages. Usually, we provide a particular set of instructions to the computer to perform a specific task. The set of instructions given to a computer is known as a Program languages. For example, BASIC, C, C++, Java. Such programs are written in languages close to the human languages and are called high level COBOL, Fortran, etc. Each language has its own set of keywords and special syntax for writing the program. But computer cannot understand such languages. Computer understands only binary language that consists of binary numbers that is 0 and 1. So high level programs are converted into low level language program or machine language program using translators. In this chapter, let us study different generations of computer languages. First Generation language-Machine Language Machine Language


VARIOUS FILE FORMATS Some of the frequently used file formats are: JPEG It stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. It is the most widely used file format for pictures. Almost all the digital cameras store photos in this file format as it supports 224 or 16, 777.216 colours. MP3 MP3 is MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3. MPEG is Moving Picture Experts Group It is the most common audio format. Also, most of the digital audio players use this format as the standard format for transfer and playback music Owing to their small file sizes, MP3 files can be easily transferred over the Internet. MP4 MPEG-4 Part 14 or MP4 is a digital multimedia container format. It is most commonly used to store video and audio. A file with the MP4 file extension is an abbreviation for an MPEG-4 Video file. This is a compressed file format MP4 This file format is used for various document and document template file types It is a Microsoft Word Open XML Format Document file. XLSX XLS or xls refers to the Microsoft Exce


 WHAT HAPPENS IT DOES NOT RAIN FOR LONG PERIOD Sometimes so happens that does not rain in region for a year or more. This leads shortage of water that region causing everywhere. environment drought. So, can say that if does not rain in region for long time causes drought sookha). Drought is period without rains leading to severe shortage of water in the region. happens follows. The soil in the fields is normally moist because it has water in it. The soil continues to lose water by rporation and transpiration. The water lost by soil is usually made up by rains. If, however, it does not rain at all (or the rainfall is very low) for a long period, the o of water from the soil is not made up and hence the soil becomes dry (see Figure 14). Due to lack of rains, the water level in the lakes and ponds also goes down and some of them may even dry up completely. In the absence of rains, no water seeps into the ground and hence the level of groundwater in wells, etc., falls drastically. Due to